BAKING started when I was wooing after this girl because I was certain that this gesture would melt her heart more than those mainstream pickup lines. :D I believed in the saying ' The way to a man's heart is through his stomach' and I guess it pretty much apply to the ladies as well since we're afterall humans.
The very first dessert I made for her was Durian Ice Cream, a 'Sweet' reward presented to her for passing her driver's licence. During Christmas, I baked her thumbprint cookies and she told me it was the best cookie she ever tasted. That made me wanting to bake more goodies for her to savour! Sadly, the wooing kinda stopped because of national service and sailing. T.T
After I ORD-ed, I continued experimenting on baking, browsing through blogs, recipes and started to trial and error. Understanding my oven was fundamental, so are the precise measurements of the ingredients. In baking, accuracy is the key to success. Slowly, I started seeing results, so I gathered my friends for taste test and they loved my bakes, especially my Rainbow Macarons :)
Because I was certain that a normal 8 to 5 job isn't really for me, I gave myself a gap year to venture into this field to see if i am really up for it! I know there are bound to be many challenges ahead as well as many other AWESOME Bakers out there to compete with, but, I'll hold on to the belief that as long as you put your heart and soul into what you love to do, nothing will stand in your way!
So the question is why Macarons? Because Macarons are like Girls - Delicate, Temperamental and Difficult to understand. (No offence to the Ladies) However, if you give them the right amount of Tender (Attention), Loving (Time) and Care (Warmth), they will turn out perfect!
OMPH came about because I wanted my customers to describe my bakes as 'OMPH' the moment it enters their mouth - the richness and taste of the dessert just explodes in their mouth, making them crave for more.
In the near future, I would love to open a physcial store so that everyone of you AWESOME people out there will be able to hangout, chill and talk about everything under the sun, in OURMINIPOSHHOUSE!
It all started when I was a little girl. I always enjoyed joining my parents in the kitchen whenever they are cooking for us. At times, they would bake too and I would always volunteer to help them! I think what made me interested in baking is the sense of satisfaction, when all the individual ingredients come together as a product that you wholeheartedly produce!
Baking is what I used to describe everything in life. For examples, the different type of friends you mix with in life are like the different ingredients you have for baking. Some are just not suitable for you, but some brings out the best in you! Not only does the concept of baking applies for the friends in your life, I think it applies to everything in life!! The ingredients to baking is just like parts and parcel of life, all you need to do is trial and error. :)
Having this business also helped me out of my introverted self, and I was really touched when people who don't usually talk to me (but follows my social media) come down and support me whenever I have popup booths selling our bakes.
Even though sometimes I feel like I'm annoying most of my followers with my baking on my instastory, it actually helped me gathered more customers that are friends!! It's amazing how social media works isn't it?
"Stressed" spelt backwards is "desserts".

I'm constantly stressed, so I go to desserts HAHAHA
xx, qian.